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Brian Armstrong Organizes First “Fully Remote All Hands” Meeting

In the times of the Coronavirus pandemic, businesses across the globe have been disrupted as employees are forced to work from home in order to prevent the further spread of the deadly virus. Similarly, even the crypto industry has been heavily affected by most companies working remotely and one such example is given by Coinbase chief Brian Armstrong. He shared a tweet on Saturday about the message he shared with his team during their first “fully remote all hands” meeting.

In the video posted on YouTube, Armstrong shared his point of view on the measures taken by the federal government to tackle the economic effects of the novel Coronavirus. He also spoke about the opportunities that come as a blessing in disguise for the crypto industry, as the global financial markets witness a downfall, compelling the investors to find alternate hedges against inflation. Coinbase CEO added that Bitcoin and real estate could be the sought-after hedges, and quoted that Satoshi Nakamoto had intended the BTC to rise in such turbulent times, as the Bitcoin whitepaper speaks about the 2008 financial crisis.

Blockstack CEO Muneeb Ali praised Brian Armstrong for raising the topic. He replied to Armstrong’s tweet and said,

“Monthly transacting users is an interesting metric. Signals a shift from speculation/investing to usage. Thanks for opening these up! I’m sure it requires legal/corporate hoops to share internal things.”

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